Subject Verb Agreement Quiz for Bank Exam

Subject-verb agreement is important for any language, especially in English. It means that the subject and the verb in a sentence should agree with each other in terms of the number and person. This agreement is essential to maintain the grammatical correctness of a sentence. In competitive exams like bank exams, this skill is crucial as it is a part of the English language section. A subject-verb agreement quiz for a bank exam can help one to practice and improve their skills.

Here is a subject-verb agreement quiz for a bank exam to test your knowledge:

1. The library (has, have) a wide range of books.

2. The team (is, are) playing well today.

3. The cost of living (is, are) increasing every day.

4. The group of students (has, have) submitted their assignments on time.

5. The news (is, are) not always reliable.

6. Each of the students (is, are) expected to attend the lecture.

7. The committee (has, have) decided to hold a meeting next week.

8. Neither the teacher nor the students (likes, like) to miss a class.

9. The number of applicants (is, are) increasing every year.

10. My friend and I (has, have) planned to visit the museum next week.

The correct answers are:

1. The library has a wide range of books.

2. The team is playing well today.

3. The cost of living is increasing every day.

4. The group of students has submitted their assignments on time.

5. The news is not always reliable.

6. Each of the students is expected to attend the lecture.

7. The committee has decided to hold a meeting next week.

8. Neither the teacher nor the students like to miss a class.

9. The number of applicants is increasing every year.

10. My friend and I have planned to visit the museum next week.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is crucial in English language and plays a vital role in competitive exams like bank exams. Practicing quizzes like subject-verb agreement quiz for bank exams can improve one’s skills and prepare them for the exam. Remember to pay attention to the number and person of both the subject and the verb to make the sentence grammatically correct.